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Side events

Take advantage of a unique opportunity to host an event in partnership with Open Banking Expo!

As the premier Open Banking, Open Finance, and Smart Data event in the UK and Europe, Open Banking Expo will take place on 15-16 October 2024. This year, we're expanding and offering space for hire for partnership events. Whether you're looking to engage our audience or provide your community with exclusive access to Open Banking Expo, let's discuss how we can collaborate to make it happen.

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Get ahead of your competition!

Side events are an excellent way for you to market your product or service, as well as gain valuable face-time with potential customers. Open Banking Expo will attract over 1,200 attendees to the Business Design Centre in London in 2024 and will be a great opportunity for your company to take advantage and host your own event alongside the show.

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Boost your business

Position your company as a thought leader by arranging a workshop or roundtable during Open Banking Expo. Take advantage of over 1,200 potential customers being in London and host your own workshop or think tank to deliver thought leadership content, build relationships and increase your sales pipeline.

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Build better relationships

Open Banking Expo side events enable partners and exhibitors to arrange social gatherings around the main show times and gives you the opportunity to round up your clients to work on those relationships and sales opportunities. Marketed to the entire Open Banking Expo 2024 attendee list, arranging a side event will give you further opportunity to educate clients, build your brand and develop your sales pipeline.

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Host your event

Open Banking Expo is THE platform for companies to showcase their products and services to a captivated audience of potential customers. With a vast and diverse group of visitors eager to discover the latest innovations, this event is a golden opportunity for businesses to highlight their offerings and connect with new clients. Whether you're introducing cutting-edge technology, demonstrating unique financial solutions, or seeking to align your event with the largest gathering of Open Banking, Open Finance and Smart Data professionals, Open Banking Expo provides the perfect stage to bring your own event to life.

Don't miss the chance to make a lasting impression and expand your reach by activating a side event at Open Banking Expo.

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Get in touch

Contact us now to talk through what side event you are interested in hosting at Open Banking Expo. Complete the form below.

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